Pentosan polysulphate is one of the most important “Weapons" in the “Arsenal” of the vet who is asked to examine your "joint stiff" dog or horse.
Joints suffer from the ageing process as we mammals advance in years (ie a problem for humans as well as horses and dogs!)
Pentosan polysulphate is a prescription only drug (S4). If your vet knows you can give pain free injections, "Dr Vet" will usually be happy to prescribe injections that you can give yourself.
Pentosan polysulphate is the most common thing we recommend to people feeding “Joint Rejuvenate”, if they want a "supercharged response". We all want pain free joint health for our animals Both the "superfood" Joint Rejuvenate and Pentosan polysulphate are remarkably safe.
Sometimes “Joint Rejuvenate”, even at 20-60 mg/kg of bodyweight on its own is not enough "fire power" to get your elderly dog or horse mobile again.
The Pentosan polysulphate dose rate is 3 mg/kg bodyweight weekly for 4 weeks. Your vet will help you with an estimate of your horse weight. How often? If you and your vet plan injections, say 3 monthly, for the remainder of your ageing horse's life, you and your vet might decide, that you paying a fee for you to learn to give injections into the muscle, is a good investment. The vet can produce certification once the client has achieved competence.(useful for job applications etc)
How do we teach injection technique We start of injecting sterile water into oranges before moving onto horses Competence usually is achieved after 50 to 100 injections If you can show your vet that you can competently give injections into the muscle, this will mean reduced vet visit costs Covid-19 has taught us that a phone video of your dog or horse moving is very useful.Not as good as a vet visit but may be a cost effective way of communicating with your vet The professional horse person should learn how to give intramuscular injections.
Here is an example: Assuming your horse at 14.2 hands is 400 kg, we suggest 4 x weekly doses of 4.8 mls of the 250 mg/ml solution intra muscular (Pentosan polysulphate is made by multiple drug companies each with their own trade name eg Cartrophen, Pentosan, Arthropen, Zydax) The most economical way to buy pentosan polysulphate from the vet is in 50 ml bottles. The 50 ml bottle will thus give you 10.3 doses. Keep refrigerated. Discuss with your vet. Pentosan polysulphate is also available in 6 ml bottles but this is a more expensive way
Synergy If you use “Joint Rejuvenate” and pentosan polysulphate injections together you will get a synergistic response in most dogs and horses ie 1+1= 3.
Back Pentosan and “Joint Rejuvenate” together is a great combination for maintaining a healthy back in the middle aged or older high performance horse. Each vertebrae in the neck and back joins to the vertebrae in front of and behind via the zygopophyseal joint.
I love to see horses in the paddock rolling. This is "horse self manipulation”.
Human use? The good new is that Pentosan polysulphate is only 3-5 years away for humans (OK, its taken 30 years for human medicine to catch up!!) Final Phase 3 Trials are in progress at present.
I am investing in the company that is bringing Pentosan polysulphate to market for humans. I expect to triple my money in the next 3 years!