Turmeric for Dog's Arthritis

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The thing that's underrated for, um dogs and arthritis is the use of turmeric. So, turmeric powder is you can buy it in the supermarket cheapest chips and I would be looking for your dog roughly to get a gram a day. And you should also mix the, uh the turmeric with something oily so whether that might that be some fish oil um or some olive oil probably prefer not the seed oils, but fish oil would be great. If you could find some fish oil and they don't always like it, but it's been shown in humans that the active constituent in turmeric is curcumin. And the curcumin is improved massively, its absorption has improved massively if you give it with pepper, and it's the piperine alkaloid in the pepper that improves the absorption of the curcumin in the turmeric through the gut and into the bloodstream. So how do we get these things a powder like turmeric? How do you get it into your dog? Well, I think I'm not normally a fan of feeding canned dog food, but in this situation you're using the canned dog food as a vehicle to get the powder into your dog.

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